
I’m so sick of cartoons with godawful art styles by people that look like they’ve never picked up a pencil before in their lives. Look, I know everyone hates John K these days, and perhaps, rightfully so for many reasons... but he was and still is right about one thing:

“....that’s sure to grow into mentally-stunted manchildren”

Go choke on something.

Yeah, you need to go fuck yourself right along with him.


You know, it feels like just yesterday (because it was) that I was just telling a friend of mine that I really hope Donald Trump dies of a heart attack or something, soon.

Quite possibly the best Dragon Quest game of all time, and the first RPG game that has made my cynical heart beat for RPG’s again since Chrono Trigger and Suikoden II.

You are wrong. It was available from the outset in the original and the same is true here as well.

I never once needed to grind in this game. At all. And I still beat the game being about twice the level I actually needed to be.

It’s funny you say that, becuase whenever asked, these people DO indeed, tirelessly refer to themselves as “legitimate journalists”. Nobody takes themselves more mistakenly serious than blog writers.

“they do great work”

Well Game Informer fucking sucks, so.... no big loss?

For the life of me, I will never understand “viral marketing”

The first is 13, by the way.

Ah, cool, I can’t wait NOT to get the second worst Final Fantasy game of all time.

Here’s an idea. Don’t publish leaks like some kind of douchebag.

Or maybe we should be applauding them for doing the right thing?


This guy gets it.

Hard Disagreement.