Devin Hester taking it to the house on the first play of the Super Bowl was the most joy I have ever felt as a Bears fan. Shame they had to end the game right after that play and nothing else happened.
Devin Hester taking it to the house on the first play of the Super Bowl was the most joy I have ever felt as a Bears fan. Shame they had to end the game right after that play and nothing else happened.
Even when he looks like Zack Galifinakis in that shot, I’d go gay for Robert Redford.
It’s sort of hilarious that, given all the dumpster fires the cast of Full House have had in their lives since the show originally went off the air, it’s Aunt Becky who ultimately gets evicted.
Absolutely. The order is reduce, reuse, recycle. Recycle is the last resort. We should all be reducing the amount of waste we generate first, then reusing what we can, then finally recycling anything left.
I don’t ever go on reddit. It is a correct term for shrinking behavior in the vernacular of our time, but I could have just as easily have been talking about dogs ... you were the one that assigned the term to women. I am sorry you got worked up with enough faux outrage to comment. Now, you go back to whatever website…
Adolf getting hit by the right and blaming the left is an apt summary of Republican voters.
Ironically, the answer to “what aren’t we listening to?” is also “sports radio reports.”
And the CHALLENGING him. They could not be more tone deaf. Plus, anger that he didn’t hold the sign up high enough- or long enough. PAY ATTENTION. LISTEN. It isn’t rocket science. Just hearing the tone of those braying morons makes me feel way worse for pro athletes having to humor these morons.
This is less for Trump and more directly for our media to stop spewing the same both sides shit. By putting what he said in writing on their video no one can sound bite the part they want.
Emmitt Smith: So that’s why they call it an “oldbitchuary.”
Well at least the only boob he can expose this time is himself.
Oh sure, Dayton Moore can talk to his players about pornography, but when my Little League coach did it he went to prison. #hypocrisy
Man, he’s good. One talk about the evils of porn, and his entire team is obstaining from reaching 2nd base.