
@Valnen: Except that it still looks like it has a hume, an elvaan, that same blasted chocobo that costs an arm and a leg to rent from the city, and what looks like a giant galka without a tail...

@scofu: Add me to the list of well-wishers and grateful it wasn't a stroke or worse folk.

So how do you find out what 'number' you are? I registered a while ago, just never got around to playing again after the first test (I got miffed I couldn't continue my chef quests without having to be a member).

I sense a liking for bug-type pokemon in Mini-Bash's future.

@MelodyKitn: Ugh, Fail missing the bright pink link [Offer Details] at 8 in the morning... I'm going to get coffee to wake me up now.

Just in case anyone's gotten confused about how to get it.. (yeah, I went to Media Molecule's youtube page before realizing the Sony Website has a link to LBPUK's page which is where you have to subscribe).

@StriderShinryu: Don't forget starting a cook's quest line only to find out that to finish it means having to be a paid member..

Bleh, having US systems in a foreign country make these blasted Amazon codes a hassle (even though I'd love to just order it from them and not have to deal with extra points..). I tried one and still haven't gotten it to work on the 360. Guess it's back to importing till I can contact CS.

@Spamps: Heh, couldn't even say S##es.. was hilarious back in PSO.

@Riquez: The hubby has that.. I think. He's got one eye that blue on the left and green on the right. His other eye is all blue.

@Phaper: Doubly annoying for me. I've got a US 360 and you can't order without a valid US billing address. Argh!! It's already annoying to have to try to import games...

@excel_excel: I'm with you there.. Damn you Norovirus! (Been getting over that meself...)

Three for me.

Man, I miss the Natsume booth. I wanted that gigantic stuffed cow toy they always had on display...

@pressstart: Oh geez.. glad I wasn't the only one.. and yet I still feel pretty bad about thinking that way too XD

I'm sorry, did they put a bunch of ideas in some kind of sock and randomly pull them out for these ridiculous back stories and plot fillers?

@Turambar: Yeah, I remember playing the beta and didn't get very far before I lost interest. Though, the fluffy mounts were adorable, it was easy to get lost trying to deal with the professions, let alone the rest of the game.

@nworobes: I agree about the other games being played by more mature gamers who wouldn't question the pregnancy stages of the game, but I also wouldn't put too much stock in Harvest Moon having anything more overly complicated with the pregnancy portion of the game.

@CaptLtrl: I wasn't even keeping track of this game, but after hearing FoA, I'm all ears and itching for a try at replaying it all over again.