

Fortune is really fucking funny. 

I’m not going to argue that there aren’t health problems that come with obesity, but I am going to argue that most people who bully/concern troll people about their weight don’t actually care about the health problems. They just think that being fat is at best a humiliating flaw and at worst a moral failing.

It does not surprise me in the least that a hack like Michaels makes a classic correlation = causation error. This sort of concern trolling is something fat people have to deal with all the time and it’s really destructive—particularly when you look at all the other shit black women have to deal with in our society.

I mean just say you ‘Don’t want to add women in.’ just...just fucking say it. Because saying ‘Game lore’ is a bullshit reason. You’re going to get shit either way so just be honest.

They made their decision and it was a bad decision. 

If you click a review marked "experts" don't get mad if something gets spoiled for you. Are you a newbie? They literally have a review marked newbie. 

There’s a warning at the beginning of the review that these are for people who have read the books, but I’ll admit that is closer to an explicit spoiler than usual, so I get where you’re coming from. However, it’s literally the first thing that happens in the second book, and so for the sake of a book reader

I understand where you’re coming from, but to be honest I think I went into Will’s story moving forward completely open to it: if you go back to the review of the second episode, I was thinking about the consequences of shifting focus to Boreal (and, inevitably, introducing Will) but I also saw the potential in the

Holy fuck, this looks amazing, and clearly I am not talking about Kinja.

I’m just here to complain about Kinja. I mean, if it’s not staying the same, it’s changing! Come on!

They fired both Mel B and Heidi K, then after only one year they fire the other two lady judges, who performed quite admirably. I thought it was bold to fire the previous two at once, but to repeat the same action the next year?

Alexa, show me why people hate vegans.

Or just go to Popeye’s.

Funny how you’re justifying domestic violence with “she started it.”

If she was throwing heavy/potentially damaging objects at him, then he should’ve called the police and gotten his children out of there. Reacting to someone chucking shit (assuming she was) with violence only escalates the situation.

Or did your

Well, for starters, you yourself haven’t offered any arguments beyond you not agreeing with me, which isn’t an argument, and in this context is self defeating, because if disagreement isn’t grounds for expressing contrary viewpoints, than you should never have fumbled your way out in defense of Kojima in the first

Fuck off

I’m laughing at you, taking a screenshot, and then sharing it with my friends to continue laughing at you. 

This is ridiculous. I say go the opposite direction. Ban Campers and RVs, or at least charge them extra, maybe $1k/ft. That should get some revenue from Mr. 30ft RV who tells everyone he likes to go “camping”

What’s important to realize is that Spanfeller is a herb