“You ever think, Bullock, of ever not going straight at a thing?”
“You ever think, Bullock, of ever not going straight at a thing?”
Ungrey me, cocksucker!
Maybe if they smiled more.
We traveled to see her in D.C. (because we figured it would be a literal madhouse if we tried to get in closer to where we resyyyyyde) and Valerie Jarrett was hosting and it was amazing but when POTUS44 brought his wife perfect roses at the end of her talk I literally stood up and SCREAMED.
So, uh... how close to a 90s Cinemax movie does it get? Asking for a friend.
I would complain... but the reality is I’m just jealous.
I can’t begin to tell you how much I’m loving these episodic write-ups of this brilliant show. No, really. Commenting isn’t showing up on my laptop and I will/can type only so much on this cellphone :/
You're reading a recap for season 2 episode 2. We're well past explaining what the show is. Do your own research.
Timo the Ragdoll just died the other day. If they come in threes, please don't let it be Maru.
Man, I actively do not like kids, and I still can’t fathom how shitty a person you must be.
But a lot of lunch accounts that are in the negative are there not because the parents can’t afford to pay, it’s because they forget to deposit money. Or they think their kid should get free food like the other kids.
This sounds great, my favorite story of Chiang’s isn’t actually “Story of Your Life” (the basis of Arrival), though I do like it, it’s “Tower of Babylon” and “The Merchant And The Alchemist’s Gate” is definitely giving me a lot of the same vibes.
I really love his short stories. Tower of Babylon and the one about angels are my favorite.
I had read the book years earlier. I was in my anthology phase, and only found it because of Amazon’s ‘you might also like’ algorithm.
if you can't earn something by having your dick n balls cut off, saving sansa, saving yara, and then killing the night king I don't know what can save a person. I mean, sure, you could hold the red wedding against him, but that was just great TV.
Riker does not sit in a chair, he _mounts_ it. By taking command right away like that, the chair will know he’s the boss, be docile and not attempt to throw him.
Nope, it’s absolutely correct. When you’re a player on a galactic level, your sit game has to be top notch.
Somebody needs to tell him that the way he sits down in a chair is wrong.
Yes. It is a very good film. At the very least you might experience an intense burst of nostalgia
But as I did it the next two times, it just became so apparent to me how much of our days are centered around meals and how—the experience I had was when I was fasting for much longer, how time really slowed down.