
I like the usual comfort foods like ramen/boxed mac n cheese but another big fav is plain old instant potatoes, preferably from KFC, with their gravy and a couple biscuits. No chicken needed. (I don’t even like their chicken.) I get it once, maybe twice a year and it’s perfect.

I followed this site to kinja but I’ll be damned if I make the pivot to video for you. BRIDGE TOO FAR, MY FRIENDS. *downvote*

Pasta? Oh. :(

I’m thankful my 70's mom hated Jello. It was chocolate and butterscotch pudding with Cool Whip instead. You can’t hate that, even now.

This. People need to send a help request to get it fixed. The chances of them randomly doing it from a posted comment are about zero, it seems.

Yes, lol. You clearly have an agenda/set of talking points, regardless of what I actually said, and seem to think you are passing it off as actual discussion. You are not.....which is fine. You do you, sweetie. I won’t get in your way. /shrug

LOL. Where in my comment did I refer to anyone in particular being a nominee for President? I believe I was shitting on the DNC as a whole for not harnessing the people currently out there doing the DNC’s groundwork - which the DNC should have started doing themselves back in November. Tick tock and it’s already too

The leadership is trash and it is so frustrating when my two Senators are out there hustling every day without larger support of the kind that GOPers get. Chris Murphy just walked 120 miles across Connecticut in 5 days, talking with everyone he met along the way and walking right off the road into a town hall at night

If you hadn’t read the comics, you’d feel bored. Well, that plus you might have to be me. Lol

It’s the best season since season 1, by a large margin. If they mostly stick the landing (i.e. don’t retcon Zack into being an actual decent person) it might even rival season 1.

I found this review at the bottom of *another* review I was reading. Hmm...

This season isn’t making me hate myself for watching it, so that means it’s amazing (in comparison to itself).

Holy shit. I think you found something worse than kinja. *slow clap*

Needed more Bos.*

Love the review and very glad to see them for the last season. Thank you!

Meh. ‘But no one will be in the grays!’ will surely be on this site’s gravestone. :(

Did you send a request to the help desk? They were helpful with my account, just took a couple days. I REALLY hate the redesign and whatnot but, fwiw, I don’t have a bad thing to say about the help desk.

Thank you, Gwen, for the discussion posts on this last season. Hope your Grey’s ones start up again in the fall here, too. It was fun last season to poke at that silly, silly show (with love, of course!).

*gasp* I didn’t even think of her. Yesss.