
I really love the pastrami pizza I get from a local place. Chopped pastrami, griddled onions with classic yellow mustard as the 'sauce'. I had it randomly at an event thing and got hooked. (Also, it's not officially on the menu so it's SUPER SECRET status makes it EXTRA SPECIAL. Lol)

That shot of them looking at each other from under the hospital bed….I will never forget it. That episode was ROUGH.

Yep. This is mine as well. I saw it when it aired live also and it scared
me to DEATH. I've since seen it twice more and, honestly, I still
wouldn't watch it in the dark late at night. It

Good to hear. Honestly. I have it on season pass and was going to watch it after I had all the episodes because it seemed like a show that *might* be better in chunks vs. the drip drip drip of a weekly thing. Haven't heard a word about it though since the premiere, which is never a good sign. Oh well. My TiVo is

I mostly separate it because, generally speaking, there are other artists involved in the project and/or it went through a lot of people before it's final form. Seems like most people look at it that way? Exceptions? Definitely. Cosby is a disgusting piece of filth that I don't want to see or hear from in any form,

I don't know but no matter how attractive they make this show (and each actor they've added has made it more attractive) I'm not paying another monthly fee to watch it. I already pay for 3 streaming services AND 2 premium channels. I'm not saying I would torrent it, because that would be bad……actually I totally plan

I was never interested in The Closer for even a second until they added Mary and have enjoyed the show as Major Crimes ever since. Such is the power of President Laura Roslin from Battlestar Galactica. I'm so happy Mary found a solid job after that series, she deserves it.

I did and, aside from that pregnancy plot, I really could not stand Amelia on that show. (Not sure I like her character much on this one, either.) It's weird to see a whole season of heartache for her boiled down to one exposition scene with Karev. If I hadn't watched PP I'm not sure I would buy it?

Meh. I like Bryan Greenberg but I'm not sold at all on him being on this show yet. You need to be able to be bit a kooky to fit in on this show, right? 'Mildly amusing' wont' cut it with this group.

He's killing it! If I end up sticking with this show it will be because of him, which is totally NOT what I expected. I generally enjoy SJP (hello, I own all the SatC DVDs) but there is just NOTHING to her character yet. Snooooooooooze.

Fact: I only watched CSI NY when she joined the cast. I'm not sure it was worth it but I'm not kidding when I say I love her. Lol

I have no idea who/what Epix is but I find myself mildly interested in a show that has Sela Ward on it. Do you know how many years I have coveted her eyebrows? Many, many years. They are perfection. (See also: Kate Walsh.) Also, I just love her in general. Why isn't Sisters or Once and Again on streaming? Serious

One of the rare instances, for me, where both the book and the film adaptation are equally brilliant and wonderful. Though I would probably pick Howard's End over this movie if I HAD to choose. I love Emma and Helena in that movie just a *titch* more than this movie. Thankfully we live in a world where we don't have

I hope Jody stays at least for the full season. Though I don't want him and Mindy to hook up I love the way they play off one another as friends/colleagues.

His giggles send me over the EDGE. I live for it.

Code Black is embarrassingly bad this season with the soft focus, furrowed brow, 'teachable moment', heavy handed bullshit. I wasn't a big fan last year by any means but watched a bunch, and it had its moments. I'm out this year. Deleted.

Sixteen candles. As an 80's teen, I have A LOT of nostalgic feels for it but, OUCH. Lots of cringey stuff going on there. LOTS.

Honestly, I can't watch her show because she literally talks too fast for my brain to keep up. I can have slow language processing in general (autism) but, man, the struggle is real with this show. It's insanely fast. I keep trying though because I DO like her.

For me, it depends on who is on. I typically watch the opening moments and decide from there if I am going to watch the whole thing. Lately I haven't watched too many of them. Just terrible pairings since he came back from his honeymoon. Rob Funches, Rhys Darby, etc. are ALWAYS worth watching though.

Not gonna lie - I had to fast forward through the diaper scenes. *gag* That got me *gag* way worse than *gag* anything on a horror show/movie. *gag*