Mello Yello Enthusiast

Fair enough, I'm a bit on edge tonight. Can we agree that it's in Sony's best interest to split these two up though?

Sorry, man. I just get sick of people automatically siding with the suspect in cases of rape. I've been pretty aggressive tonight, because I'm used to it. I would say that neither one of these two people can work together now.
It's like, why would you want to work with somebody that raped you OR why would you want to

Well, that's a harsh conclusion to come to without even giving me my day in court…suppose I was being sarcastic? It's just my way. These things have happened before. I'm sure I can find 5 occasions of it that completely discredit any accusation that I might seriously hate you.


No, you're arguing that there shouldn't even be suspicion.
Let's all be rational and assume the best of everybody who's accused of doing horrid shit.
It's not a court of law, it's an internet comment board, you mangy mutt.

Let's not focus on the troll part. Let's just say that you're a person who thinks so little of women that you think one woman crying wolf about rape is going to get all of them to do it.

Is that the only part that you found to be hateful? Because I meant for the whole thing to be hateful.

You're not interested in their viewpoint. You're here to be a condescending twat to people who aren't suspicious of rape victim's claims.
Just lay your cards on the table. Be honest.
Or better yet, pick your cards up and take your ass back to your dopey He-Man/Woman-Hater's sad sack of shit man cave you've dug out for

Good, I can't wait till he comes back…we clearly need salvation from the truth he speaks.

Oh, fuck off you little twat!
He made a reasonable point without being tone deaf about it. He said there's reason to doubt Kesha's claims without immediately assuming she's lying.
You seem to be offended by the mere suggestion that Kesha shouldn't be forced to work with this guy.

…said the guy who's been here for hours around people who don't like him.

Don't undersell him. We're definitely going to remember Dean for a long time after this.

Oh, so a different moron.
Lord Stoneheart told me the guy was still at it and I came back to see a trail of deleted comments. I thought he just went completely off the rails.

Is that still Dan?

Jesus, doesn't this guy have an abortion doctor to threaten or something?

And I'm impressed.

You're welcome to stay here, but we're just going to keep making fun of you.


Yea, and waffles are better than pancakes, so…fuck off.