
Wow, you liberals really need to look in the mirror sometimes. No fan of the alt-right but the extreme left is just the same.

It's so hypocritical how these late night entertainers wouldn't go near any Obama or Clinton scandal yet they devote every show to making jokes on Trump.

It's because Clinton was a worse choice.

Um, he left the party long ago. This is just stagecraft.

This article is about as pretentious as the host.

Athelstan has been with Ragnar much longer than just three years. Heck, we just had a 4 year time jump and there were quite a few before. I think he's been with Ragnar for 6-7 years, no?

Wow, well thought out there sheep

I can't take this reviewer seriously.

Surprisingly entertaining.

You know, I hung in there for every episode. I really wish they didn't pick it up for season two so early or else I would have dropped it.