
You can flail instinctively in a panic and get out of water, which is what it seems like she’s doing here, complete with coughing and sputtering.

The Last Jedi. First time i’ve come out of a Star Wars showing utterly uncertain about whether i liked it or not.

The friend I saw it with said almost immediately after that they’d probably like it better second time around. I’m not so certain. However the comments and articles here about how the film plays with and

I don’t mind her using the Force to pull the mothership or something.

lets never forget its just a tug boat for pushing cargo. BJ and the Bear makes more sense when thought of in this context.

I sense an imminent awakening in the Force though.

Truly, we are amidst dark times in the Empire.

Not its fault though as hangar rental fees and values have skyrocketed since its parents’ generation, vastly outpacing income from smuggling opportunities.

Well maybe not the biggest...

See my vest see my vest made from rare Wookie chest...

This might sound crass, but I think it’s a little weird they didn’t do a few reshoots on behalf of Luke and Leia now. A five second cut would have left Luke alive (I get he’ll be a ghost).

I was really expecting Leia to stay behind and pilot the cruiser instead of Holdo. By not writing her out in a blaze of glory, they’re going to have to do a time jump on Episode 9 if they’re not going to CGI Carrie Fisher in.

All IMO obviously, but I left the theater thinking it was no better than Rogue One and by the time I got home I thought it was as bad as a the prequels. I found it messy and felt extremely long. The most interesting character, Snoke, they kill off without ever answering anything about him and he’s replaced with

Isn’t Kylo the one who told her about her parents?

Your whole paragraph there is really well-thought-out. I totally agree.

With Paul Gross and/or Gordon Pinsent in some sort of cameo. Having those two as mounties is pretty damn close to achieving “peak Canadianess”.

Kingsman 3 really, really, really needs to reveal that the Canadian version of the Kingsman is really the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that that they have been hiding in plain sight all along.


still waiting for the trickle down...

The Dyson stick rules. We have one and we love it. No shade on the Hoover, I’ve got no experience with it. The trigger-pull is annoying at first, but you get used to it fast. The suction power is solid enough that it’s worth it.