
Have you been around people?

Scarlet fever is the result of certain bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) causing the bacteria to express additional toxins. Some research done on these strains show that there’s an increase in certain subtypes of the bacteria, as well as increased infection from the bacteriophage.

“...every Marvel hero we’ve seen so far...”

My back of the napkin idea has been that when/if they go quantum to try and find the original Wasp, they happen to also find the Fantastic Four, trapped there since the ‘80s, when SHIELD recruited them just after they got their powers (and before the world knew about them) to try and rescue Wasp.

Kryptonian Rhapsody...

Is this a serious post? I cannot imagine a worse indoor environment than one lit by low wattage 6000k bulbs. Comfort aside, multiple studies have shown that using this harsh lighting at night is bad for your health.


The cop that pulled him over

If it is designed to be used when the car is in motion, the driver must be able to operate it by feel alone.

I’m in the process of rewatching it as we speak. It does not. The second time through you see just how much it relies on cliffhangers, introducing mysteries, and characters making bad decisions. Once you know the answers (or know what isn’t going to be answered) it is a lot less entertaining.

So a salad spinner should get me some sweet turbo horsepower

Such an ugly piece of crap. At least it has a Volvo interior.

Supertaster here and I totally agree about mango! I can’t stand them.

It seems that questioning GMOs draws attacks as if it were the same as climate change denial.

The Right To Know. Nothing wrong with a simple labeling and basing my buying decisions on ingredients or processes.

It’s still shocking to me how people who keep extolling the safety and virtues of GMO’s insist that everyone should have no choice but to consume them.

Do you mean you think nothing could possibly go wrong or that you can trust the corporations doing the development to put put safety ahead of profits?

The problem with Darkseid is hes a BIG BAD... BIG BADDIE. At the risk of beating a dead horse, hes a lot like Thanos in the regard that you cant just have him as a villian out of the gate you have to build up to him.

For Ex in the scope of Superman Villians, its Lex < Doomsday < Brainiac < Darkseid.

In fact I would

Or we could add a tax to ICE cars to pay for the extra pollution and oil production costs. There are a lot of external costs that aren’t priced into ICE cars but still end up being paid by society. You can get at the problem multiple ways but tax credits tend to be the most palatable.