
Yes, that includes me - I’m an irrational primate. And every day I try to remember that and overcome that. It’s not always possible, but acknowledging it and trying to deal with it is the first step to recovery. AA isn’t totally wrong other than the higher power bit.

I like how people think the only women manipulated and victimized by Weinstein were the aspiring actresses. Because there’s no way he used that same power and authority to get his staff to do whatever deplorable thing he wanted.

I couldn’t disagree more with this. Max joins them in trick-or-treating, because even though she has absorbed Billy’s personality a bit, she wants friends. Her blunt refusal to say something, and then jumping into the group is her way of trying to cope with it, of being involved and not saying she is a part of the

If, by treasure, you mean buried in the sand like cat poop, then yes. You are correct.

Star Wars on television has become the core of the franchise, IMO. It’s where all the great storytelling is getting done.

It’s true; algorithms aside, it’s harmful in all those spheres. User Jharmin posted a great anecdote from a book they’d read on this thread, if you happen to see it. Societally (or maybe as a species, I don’t have enough data to know how widely distributed this tendency is) we try to simplify things by trying to

I agree with you re: the success of algorithms and who they successfully predict for. If you’re operating within the big juicy part of a bell curve in terms of your behavior and preferences, an algorithm might get you most of the way there. Deviate from that at all and it’ll either focus on the part of you that DOES

Australia is GREAT if you play with a large number of people. It’s probably the strongest position at the start of the game if you have ~4-6 players. It’s easy to grab at the start of the game, and you have NO NATURAL ENEMY. Nobody grabs all of Asia, so there’ll be a bunch of single countries that you can expand to,

That shit just doesn’t happen.

basically, we now know that at least some of these elements are definitely made primarily in neutron star collisions based on the spectra. now that we’ve definitively linked one short gamma ray burst with a neutron star collision, the hope is that maybe the other short gamma ray bursts weve seen (which is a lot) were

This is great and whatnot, but related rant:

I want a series where Ahsoka and Ventress team up. Like a buddy cop sort of thing. Causing trouble and slicing up the baddies in the Outer Rim!

Some people won’t take no for an answer. Like the AV Club asking if I want to subscribe to its newsletter.

BTW. thanks for the gallery and no video.

Well, they had to discontinue the Bronco, you know, to shed that whole “fugitive on the run” thing. Escape just worked better.

Shitty but fascinating. You know I truly hope neonics are not harmful to humans, especially since those most affected will likely be poor farm laborers. But it seems like ag chemicals only get banned or regulated in the U.S. if they harm us directly or to a lesser extent some iconic species like the bald eagle.

In one of Bayer’s giant board rooms, the ghost of Reagan is floating around and heard you and is eerily moaning on about the self corrective nature of an unregulated free market. “but the freeeee haaAAAaand!”

That may be true, but 24 fps is the basis of the language of cinema. 24 fps motion blur is a core part of cinema. One of the major ways visual effects artists make an effect look real is by mimicking 24 fps motion blur. When you add cgi visual effects and get rid of motion blur (and put it in 60 fps) you are now in

Musk buying Puerto Rico puts him one step closer to becoming the Bond villain that we all suspect he is.

That entire movie was far ahead of its time! Just saw it again last weekend and, all cheese aside, it’s eerily prescient.