
So this is the final season. What will Filoni and the team be doing next? Please say a show set after Return of the Jedi...

Any human person who has the time, money and restored parts, to put together a drivable XK 120, yet chooses not to do so, has failed life in a most spectacular manner. This is unforgivable.

I’m not too proud to admit that I’ve always been more than a little jealous of Philip K Dick. I want a pink laserbeam from space to shoot sci-fi stories directly into my brain. Some guys just get all the breaks.

I agree that it’s dumb that willpower can be measured. I agree that it’s dumb that it’s measured in percentage. But assuming that percentage represents a safety margin, no, it’s not dumb at all to indicate a percentage over a hundred. If the maximum recommended temperature for my car’s engine is 150 degrees, and it’s

“Uhhh...Hi and ah...welcome to Sakaar today. On this, ah, morning’s show we have the, most INCREDIBLE guest. You know him, you love him, it’s the Hulk”

He’s starting to notice leaves where there were no leaves before.

I’d definitely watch this breakfast television programme.

Totally with you BUT....sometimes I’m either in the mood for Kraft singles or I’m broke and all I have is Kraft singles ORRRRRRR! I’m pretty drunk and Kraft singles sounds like a REALLY good idea and any stuck up poof who looks down his nose at Kraft singles is some kind of elitist ass and I really enjoy me some Kraft

I really prefer the photo format, guys. The constantly moving camera gives me motion sickness.

Wikipedia calls it Sint Maarten. As a Dutch-speaking country, it uses the Dutch form of Saint Martin’s name. While the other half of the island, which belongs to France, does use the spelling ‘Saint-Martin’, the airport near which this incident occurred is in the Dutch half.

Hawkeye had the best Avengers line ever.

Now playing

If you’re not sure how to drive stick shift perhaps these fine fellows can help:

The look my wife gave me says that this is untrue.

if I was a traffic cop you would not get pulled over for speeding unless you were an obvious ass in traffic, i.e. weaving in and out of lanes, driving on the shoulder to pass etc. I would on the other hand heavily pull over for hugging the left lane for no reason, no headlights after dark (even when DRL are running)

They could always lampshade it a bit, like Rocket says something along the lines of “What? Because I look like whatever a ‘racoon’ is and she looks like an ‘otter’ somehow they just assumed we knew each other?”

“I just...I cannot imagine the level of self-inflicted delusion required to think that the sole or even primary reason liberals are frothing about Trump is because Hillary Clinton lost, and by extension they lost.”

What could Torch, or anyone do different that Metal Slug hasn’t already?