
Couple things: it’s one thing to not be a reader, it’s another to be someone who says “DURR WHY READ WHEN SOMEONE CAN JUST SAY NOISE TO YOU.” This idiot thinks he’s being edgy and subversive when really he just sounds privileged, spoiled, and stupid.

But thanks for the warm and sincere response............

if you go to a vegan restaurant and don’t blog about it, are you even allowed back

Blessed are the vain, for they shall inherit all the subscribers

Oh, Stewardess! I speak Cher-ish. The correct translation of her hieroglyphs is “I could jump for joy and raise a toast.”

Somehow today refuses to end.

Gorka responded by calling the man “un-American.””

Especially 4 u.

It’s unethical to take a percentage in a domestic relations case. 

I figured being forced to walk with him, in public, while he was wearing the jeans was why she was crying. 

Whenever Trump calls someone “special” it makes me make a face like I’ve accidentally bitten into a piece of fruit that is rotten inside.

Fucking figures.

I don’t believe this is a real relationship. Her forced departure from Fox right into the arms of Jr/The Campaign was too convenient for me.

this is too fucking early for this trash

That 14-year-old looks like a middle-aged man! I think he used to be assistant manager at the Best Buy in my town.

Maybe sad is the wrong word. It’s kind of like that “oh no baby, what is you doing? .gif, where my small sense of humanity peeks out and betrays me, even for those two monsters.

Oh man, this makes me so sad for them, and also makes me want to laugh in their faces. Her arm is even obviously extended to take a selfie. Like, why lie?! To prove you have friends? That’s such pathetic and vaguely middle school behavior.