
Seeing as they are the size of a serving spoon I would tend to agree.

I agree that it’s not really meant to be used, which only adds to its un-usefulness.

Agh I hate that silicone steamer. It is the worst.

I inherited one of these spoons from a roommate. It cuts the shit out of your hand if you try and use it.

Well, classifications based on religion are already analyzed under strict scrutiny via the First and Fourteenth Amendments. The test I’m referencing above applies when courts are considering whether to create a new protected class. If the court determines that classifications based on sexual preferences are subject to

Kinja has sure been on the fritz lately eh?

ha, well luckily it is a balancing test. But one of the other prongs is lack of political power. With SCOTUS ruling that gay marriage is legal, one can now argue that the LGBT community doesn’t lack political power anymore.

It also matters legally - SCOTUS set forth a four prong test to determine whether a group should be protected under the law. One of those prongs is whether the group has an immutable characteristic, that is, an innate characteristic (like race or ethnicity). If homosexuality is considered a choice, it is not innate.

All of Brody Jenner’s hookups on The Hills were fake.

Thanks SCOTUS and Hobby Lobby!!!

I went to therapy this week for the first time because, same feelings as you. The act of writing down and describing what is going on internally and then talking about what may be going on externally helped. Having a second appointment next week, just knowing that it is there and that I’m finally taking steps to make

haha, a few weeks ago, there was a recipe for a drink that had gin, watermelon juice, and mint syrup, so I made the syrup and the drinks and had a wonderful Saturday by the pool.

This sounds delicious AND, bonus, I already made mint syrup a couple of weekends ago!

Ha, very true...but I’m okay with admitting that I’d rather split the parent role with someone else :)

My first thought was (as a 32 year old never been married woman) that I’m more likely to settle now than I was before....these eggs aren’t going to fertilize themselves.

Chrissy, if you are reading this, I heart you and please invite me over to your house so we can drink dirty martinis in your backyard while your husband serenades us. Thank you.

Holy moly, that’s invasive!

I totally get that! Alone time is key.

I have seen the show. You said you would be pissed, and I said I think it is an over reaction to be that upset. My observation reflects how I think a normal adult human being should react to this situation.

I want to hear so much more.