
I totally get being startled and having a reaction to that. But the marching up to every woman in the house demanding to know who he was and how he got there, making accusations before knowing the whole story and the dramatic tears were really too much. Nothing happened, so ask Ramona and LuAnn to not do it again and

Really though. Dorinda mentioned in this episode that they didn’t get any sleep and were drinking all day long. That, combined with zero alone time, would make me crabby pants too I think.

This was amazing. LuAnn to Heather: “bitch don’t kill my vibe.”

Not to be a super creep, but is that your little one in the picture? He’s adorable!

I’m not a professional by any means, but I think it’s okay to have a breaking point like the article says. I’ve been struggling with some depression and anxiety for a year or so now, and I think I’m finally beginning to understand how hard it has been on my partner. I absolutely would not blame or begrudge him for, at

Thank you for this, even though I’m now crying at my desk! Sending to my partner - I’ve been dealing with anxiety, panic attacks, and depression for over a year now and finally made an appointment to see a therapist this week. This helps me see things from his perspective.

Cool advice bro.

I love it. I can imagine someone looking at the inside and going “ugh someone wrote in this” and asking for a discount. I <3 Aziz.

I predict that Jax is somehow involved in the breakup, and that Stassi will randomly show up at the bar where they have the fight that breaks them up.

She is a waitress an an upscale restaurant in Los Angeles, and he is a fomer bartender of the same and an aspiring male model.

OMG, just like for Scheana Shay, it is ALL HAPPENING for Katie and Tom!

On one hand, I’m glad you shared that with us. On the other hand, my notifications are probably going to blow up today because I started responding to some of the assholes on there before I realized that I was wasting my time.

I can feel it sitting like a boulder in my stomach just by looking at the picture.

That could be the case for any lawsuit though-poverty is not a defense whether it’s a person or a business. Thems the breaks.

Man I feel really bad for them :(

The agency is likely setting an example. If it was only a few grand, how will other businesses be deterred from engaging in the same type of behavior?

Oohh, thanks!!

I miss Tracie’s recaps of the Housewives shows! It was a safe place to discuss All Things Real Housewives.

JOYCE. She would.

I can’t polish an orange today Yoko, don’t you know that Tuesdays are for shining grapes.