
I wish I could tell you that it gets better once you start practicing...but it doesn’t. Especially if you look young. I suggest looking for work at a firm that already has a large female staff - NOT the firms where you go to their “about the firm” page and staring back at you is a sea of men, and under “junior

I have a friend who briefly went to jail and raved about this. I haven't asked her if she's tried it on the outside. Have you?

What about “The Pregnancy Pact”?

Ugh, that’s horrible. I now coach moot court for my university and I try to prepare my female students for that type of BS so that they’re not surprised when they get some dumb sexist comment at competition. Also, hello fellow mooter! :)

I’ve had a similar experience - I was giving a mock argument in front of a panel of female attorneys and one said to me during critical feedback that she didn’t like me because I was too skinny, too pretty, and my voice was too high which made me seem like a “female stereotype.” I held it together but very much went

I’m a young female attorney. I’m lucky that my boss has stuck up for me when the following things have happened: an older male opposing counsel refusing to speak to me or look me in the eye at a hearing held in judge’s chambers; an older male opposing counsel calling my boss directly behind my back to tell him that

Yah, these mags definitely have a woman blaming problem. Whenever a hetero relationship ends, the woman is always blamed for being too much or too little of something.

"Beautiful Disaster" will be the name of the song following the breakup.

When I put red wine traps out, I put a tiny dab of soap on my finger and touch the top of the wine to break the seems to help!

These are a huge problem where I live in the summer. Once, I googled how to get rid of fruit flies, and received the following advice: put some pieces of fruit in the oven overnight and leave the oven door open. In the morning, slam that sucker shut and turn it to 400 degrees for thirty minutes. It did not give

What if this is just a big ploy so she or he can be a Bachelorette/a Bachelor? Like, they "break-up," she/he needs to "learn to open her/his heart and love again," she/he reaches out to Chris Harrison and BOOM on TV.

He was my first love, I was still in college. I had a suspicion he was cheating, so I logged onto his MYSPACE (so hip at the time) and found a message from a girl saying what a great time she had last night and can she please pick up her jacket that she left at his house (among other fun flirty messages). I called

Agreed. Kara should start an advice column on Jez where all of her sage advice would end with "now go out there and do some boss shit."

Really? The lowest donation they ask for is $50? So they can pay somebody to craft more dumb letters like this one?

how else will she return them without the tags attached?

I see that the page is now listed as "famous" and links to your hilarious article. That's ranch-tastic.

Every time I hear this phrase, I think of that Leeann Womack song "Think of a Reason Later."

Ah, no, they're really great, but probably uninformed about the enforceability of such a provision. I don't post reviews online, negative or positive, but I was just curious.

Speaking of the devil that is yelp - we take our dog to a daycare a few times a week and the contract the daycare asked us sign stated that we would not post negative reviews about them online. Has anybody else been asked to sign a similar contract?

As is George Constanza.