Ugh, gross. I didn't notice until you pointed it out. Even just a little hand lotion before shooting would have helped!
Ugh, gross. I didn't notice until you pointed it out. Even just a little hand lotion before shooting would have helped!
patient zero fingernails.
These protests seem far from peaceful.
Thanks for your response!
I see that you posted this twice...I haven't read much about the mission and I'm interested to hear why you say this.
I like turtles?
I think 45 minutes CAN BE correct, without any traffic. I've made it from San Diego to the Santa Ana courthouse in 45 minutes.
What does it even mean to be a little ironic and a little in on the joke? Can I be in on the joke or is that the ironic part?
History of the Nothing Burger offers that great non-liberal perspective students are missing from their lives.
A delicious muffin is never a bad choice.
I think when the word "feminist" is brought up, some people have a visceral reaction. For example:
Just said the same thing up thread! My personal fave (if fave means hate) was something about Jon Stewart being Jewish and Jewish people run the world.
YES. I made the mistake of scrolling down to the comments on the linked People article...woof. I'd much rather read Jezebel's (and its readers') take.
I think I would have felt the same way at 13 - way too embarrassed to see this. Your kid sounds great btw.
Amazeballs. All of these.
omg. this is officially the worst.
Not going to lie, the bf and I watch this from time to time. We watched one the other day where the question was "a man's name that starts with the letter H," and the contestant's answer was "Jose." JOSE. I died.
Homegirl made her own meme. That's next level thirst.