I know you are asking experts, but I feel the same way, so last year we added green chilies and served with honey butter and it was delish.
I understand where you are coming from, I guess I rarely hear violations of the constitution called "illegal." If the display features different religious and doesn't purport to exclude others, it's probably not a violation of the First Amendment. As others have pointed out, the tree has a menorah placed in front of…
Black bolo tie.
I can't decide what to get them off of their registry. The Beer Making Kit, or the Cowboy Hat Chip & Dip? I guess I could always go with the Cowboy Boot Beverage Pitcher.
A little late to the mushroom party, but I made this dish last night and served it with skirt steak and mashed potatoes and they were DELICIOUS. Whole Foods has an amazing fresh mushroom selection if you can find one.
"From farm to nail."
When I was in college, my roommate and I went to some Halloween party with a girl from our dorm. The next morning, she comes walking up to the common area still in her eighties-prom outfit. We asked her where she ended up staying the night...she lifts up her dress to reveal her yellow thighs and says "Bart Simpson…
SERIOUSLY. I refuse to participate in Black Friday because I remember getting up at 4:00 am the day after Thanksgiving and hating every customer waiting at the door already.
I worked at the mall for six years, which included six Christmases/holiday seasons. The ONLY person to give me grief about my choice of holiday greeting was a man to whom I said "Happy Holidays" to. He turned around, started me straight in the eyes, pointed his finger at me and said "no....MERRY CHRISTMAS."
Ah I forgot about her! She was refreshingly honest once she was called out. So yes, I agree with you.
Which is exactly how their coffee tastes. Like burning.
No snark, I wasn't replying to the facts of this case. I was replying to your question.
Enough was done that there is a bill floating around right now that would amend HCA in order to circumvent the ruling. It's likely that it won't pass because our Congress can't seem to get anything done but at least it's a discussion that is on the table. Change happens slowly, not overnight. Informing other people…
"Does the USA allow women to kill their rapists (or attempted rapists) and get off scot free?)" Yes-it's called self-defense.
That's comforting that you "laugh" at our plight. Thanks for your support.
Subjectively. Your opinion is just that - it's yours. It may be shared with others, but to say that how you feel is fact is closed-minded and narcissistic. Oh, and you sound like a huge douche.
<3 hugs
Irony inception?