
YOU write better please.

Fap fapping, fappers...every time I read one of those words, I feel dangerously close to puking all over my desk.

I don't understand how she's shoving anything in your face if you're making the choice to watch her documentary.

San Diego State? I remember it being the same way.

I'm more confused as to why she is the one of the "New Royals." What has she been up to recently? I thought she was all but retired?

Very true. That comment was horrifying.

One one hand, she was nuts and didn't really bring anything to the show this year, mostly because she was never there. On the other hand...the leg throwing finale was TV gold. I still giggle when I think of LuAnn's reaction.

Not necessarily recommending it...but I dated my TA my senior year of college. We made it through my graduation, after which it stopped being dangerous and exciting. A couple of years later we tried to be friends, until one night I when was leaving his house and he asked if I "wanted to take some cookies to go or

I definitely read that in Ralph Wiggum's voice.

I refuse to believe that. These are respected journalists who report nothing but the absolute truth (but you do bring up a good point).

Thoughts: First, why is it always the case in these tabloids that the woman was dumped and not the other way around? Second, I was really looking forward to this today thx Callie.

Sitting hurts your dick? You might want to have that checked out bro.

I think much of it depends on whether Indonesia is a signatory to the Hague.

The most embarrassing thing that happened to me at a wedding: the bride decided to play this during the bouquet toss...and I was the only single lady there :( I hate her.

Wait. Hold on. Is she Mexican? I need confirmation please.

Well THAT was rage inducing. What a class-less asshat.

Gene? Go home, you are drunk.

She doesn't MAKE them feel inadequate or threatened...they are choosing to feel threatened and inadequate. And they need to get over themselves.

"Take it! I'll crawl home, isn't that what you want??"

I'm in love with and I agree with everything you said here.