Ken Richardson

I was thinking the same thing! Hornacek is my go-to for Survivor musings.

I had that shower thought this morning… What if Elliot isn't real, either? What if he's just another portion of Darlene's psyche that she had to lock away for getting too dangerous. I realize that's entirely ridiculous, but it made me laugh a little that because of our unreliable narrator(s) in this show, everything

I feel reasonably certain either Leon is not real or Sam Esmail is intentionally trying to make us believe that's the case with an agenda. We'll see how it plays out in future episodes, but his interactions feel very much like Mr Robot's interactions with other people from season 1: We only see him talk to Eliot or

That's unpossible!

It was Tai who said "water" while Debbie listed her jobs, and it was AMAZING because she quickly tried to shut it down.

Geez, Hornacek, I come here just for your commentary and you didn't even NOTICE all of Mark's power plays! That said, the preview for next week shows Julia and Jason are definitely plotting against him…

MARK - chicken

The chicken definitely has a final three alliance with Tai and Scot, but we never do get any strategy asides with him.

It's terrible television that happens to be fun to dislike. If you have the time to hate watch a show every week, it's worth it to repeatedly ask your television, "WTF is this shit?!"

It took me a few episodes to reconcile that they're going to have to get serious about adapting the material instead of faithfully recreating it, but I really do enjoy it, even as a fan of the books. Basically my one gripe is no Josh. Outside of that, they seem committed to getting in almost every great scene from the

Scot also played an impressive Tribal Council. Jeff directly questioned him two or three times and he gave really diplomatic answers that didn't tip his hand at all. Granted, it was the first time he'd been to a tribal where people weren't PISSED at him and Jason for being dicks so he had the luxury of not being

I had the same conversation with my wife last night. "He just kissed a tree and cried over a chicken. He'd cry if anyone at all was injured."

That's pretty much how she does it in the books, as well. Julia's story is hewing closest to her story in the books of all the characters so far, which I find interesting, as her plot is fuckign dark.