If they don’t convict for a lengthy fuckin’ amount of time, I will be straight livid...
If they don’t convict for a lengthy fuckin’ amount of time, I will be straight livid...
RIP, brother soul:
I mean, his infamous bout with Tyson and the whole ear-biting incident was damn near 25 freakin’ years ago; there’s no way in hell he should be getting in anybody’s ring at his age...
“it’s gonna be like Thanos in this motherfucker.”
Because Kinja sucks ass, and the damn general reply bar had disappeared completely.
Wait... Holyfield is still boxing?!?
I’m just gonna set this down, right here:
Well, that’s definitely not news that I’m glad to hear as a Black parent living in CA...
But it’s also not really ‘news,’ either: SSDD.
I hear you; we have no real choice but to ‘recalibrate,’ or civilization as we have come to know it is fucked.
I want to avoid that outcome if at all possible, and I especially don’t want to see the decline into chaos sped up even more by any needless fuckery in CA.
Someone has quite the skewed interpretation of ‘harassment.’
It’s all they are good at. That’s why there’s such an endless supply of trolls and haters - both behaviors take no skill and minimum effort and they briefly distract such sad sacks from the fact that they lead miserable lives.
You dont know who Caitlyn Jenner is?
Mere name recognition isn’t a sure thing,
‘Your answer’ was nothing more than moving goal posts.
You’ve now been dismissed; your type of fear mongering and concern trolling is only one level above the idiot asshat currently flaming the thread.
Ok, now those muthafuckas are just pure evil, with wings...
Besides Gray Davis, LIST THEM, then.
Brilliant; so they also slowly kill themselves, as well as the surrounding environment as well...
Do not ‘go gentle’; ignore the obvious trolls and energy leeches and continue to fight like hell.