Melissa Ulto

It happened in the UK with Saville and co, it happened with the church, and now it’s happening here.

Milano’s response articulated exactly how I’ve been feeling since this all came out. People tried to report their abusers/harrasers/rapists to the police/Human Resources/executives etc and do everything the right way and NOTHING HAPPENED. Instead the survivors were maligned, blacklisted and ultimately silenced.

The thing about sexual assault on all levels is the emotional and physical damage it inflicts. Sure, in the broad scheme of things there’s a spectrum legally speaking but constant minor infractions of random people are just as invasive and damaging as the major actions of one to some victims. Damon obviously doesn’t

Yeah, well it’s the same Alyssa Milano who wants us to feel bad for what’s happening to her friend Georgina Chapman...

“The micro makes the macro” is so on point and succinct.

For sure. Alyssa Milano ftw. I didn’t know she was so badass.

No one is conflating them, dude. It must be hard for such a brave Boston boy to understand, but most people understand nuance and degree. The fact that there are differing degrees of wrong doesn’t stop it from being so. He has a point about Outrage Culture, but this isn’t an example of what he is reaching for.

He also broke up with Minnie Driver in the most disrespectful spectacle ever.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d become such a fan of Alyssa Milano.

I definitely want to keep her response in my back pocket to pull out when trying to explain this to men.

Love both of these responses but especially Alissa Milano’s.

Come on. Damon knows exactly what he’s doing. Nothing “tone deaf” about it.

Fun fact. Minnie just became a dual citizen so she can vote. I heart her so much and love her work on Speechless.

There are people in the comment section *right fucking now* saying what a good writer this shitheel is. I kid you not. “He went to Duke Law!” So. Incredibly. Smart. Being a white dude is a hell of a drug.

Come on, everybody, sing it with me:

It’s really gross how quickly people here can overlook this asshole’s history. It would be one thing if he was apologetic at all, but he clearly has no idea how his shit contributed to rape culture, or doesn’t care. I don’t buy for a second men like this can change and start to see women as actual people. He deserves

“I didn’t live her life and I’m not a black woman—although wouldn’t that be amazing”

A professional ghostwriter created the following sentence while ostensibly writing in his own voice:

He’s just another book-packager. I don’t know that $15k is that outside the norm.

“The publishing industry has done a very good job of finding and producing books that are designed for white, upper-class intellectuals, because that’s who they are as people,” he says. “I think they do a very poor job of producing books for anyone outside of that demographic.”