
Trump seems to think that insulting foreign leaders is a great idea yet demands everyone else treats him with respect.

Orange is the new alt-white.

He just wishes he could sparkle, doesn’t he? That must be why he’s tried so hard to gild himself.

Correction: Donald Trump has used many gay people. He does not care about them. He might not hate them, but make no mistake he does not not care about them at all. He happily uses them but will throw them under the bus to please the bigot voting bloc within a heartbeat.

I trust a post-Taco Bell fart more than I trust Trump.

I still think he wants to fuck Rosie and that drives him fucking insane.

Oh, Tomato Face. You old fruit/vegetable troll, you.

I cam here to note that Bannon is playing an elaborate shell-game, but you said it much better.

This isn’t incompetence. Trump may be an idiot, but his two Steves aren’t. They know exactly what they are doing. This big, flashy, apparently clumsy executive order was designed to create chaos and confusion and to elicit outrage and protest from their political opponents. Meanwhile, Trump’s inner circle of advisors

I goes deeper, they have deliberately gutted the staff and budget of various departments rendering them impotent and transferred authority over to Trump’s inner circle (Bannon et al.) thus bypassing any possible Congressional oversight.

I think they’re just testing the waters.

We are in decline.

I never thought I’d say “Fox news isn’t so bad anymore” but hey... here we are.

I’ll have to go find my tiny violin.

oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.