
i also look forward to lucca vs cary in court ! should make for interesting tv.

Anybody else thought the hookup between Alex and Ryan was very reminiscent of Out of Sight's hotel sequence ?

I'm sure it's been mentionned before, but that Finn/Alicia scene in the office reminded me so much of the first kiss between Will and Alicia. Both times she runs out of the office not ready to fully make the plunge.

God this show is fearless!

Danny's "Don't go to bed yet" was a cute nod at Mindy's closing titles :)
So ready for season 3 !

Just like Meg Ryan, I laughed-cried my way through this episode!

I loved Danny's " I'm the boss! I'm the boss ! " line in the bathroom !! Couldn't stop grinning for the rest of the hour!

I know I shouldn't be but I'm into Bay and Tank. I wish i didn't ship this easy, but hell I ALWAYS do!

I loved Lip and Debbie's scenes together!

I was happy to see Lip interact with everybody. I feel they should give him someone more substantial to bounce off of than his roomate with no name.