Honestly, Uncle Joe seems like the kind of guy who would have been friends with half the maintenance staff and absolutely could have called in a favor do something like that.
Honestly, Uncle Joe seems like the kind of guy who would have been friends with half the maintenance staff and absolutely could have called in a favor do something like that.
Actually, we are all being terribly sexist. We naturally think that the Masked Electrician was Uncle Joe
Methinks Uncle Joe might be behind this one. You think a man who can work on classic Trans Ams can’t figure out how to unwire a light switch?
The Obama’s installed the clapper for him right before they left, but no one accounted for the fact that his small hands cannot make enough noise to activate it.
Choosing to literally sit in the dark because asking for help is a shameful indicator of weakness is so on the nose I don’t know what to do
He’s still using Michelle’s social secretary (she handles the event planning, establishes social connections) and had asked her to stay on because he wanted her to make connections with the D.C. crowd. She just removed herself from the running. HAHAHA! Melanoma still has to get off her ass and hire her own, but small…
In college a no-so-smart kid wreaked revenge on her roommate, a smart-but-snooty EE undergrad by putting a small piece of clear tape into the bottom of a lamp socket. The EE to be tried replacing the bulb and fiddled with the lamp a while before declaring she was going to take it home to her engineer dad on the…
Before he left, Biden removed the outlet in the Cabinet room, patched, and painted over the hole.
I love this thought. Everyone’s Uncle Joe, quietly walking around (‘cause he knows Barack won’t approve), unscrewing light bulbs, maybe opening a few light switch fixtures and pulling a wire here or there. Or maybe... Maybe that’s why he got the Medal of Freedom.
Yes! That bit about him having to cancel the Milwaukee event due to protests is really important. He’s stuck in a house that’s too big even for him, and it’s too quiet, and he can never shake the feeling that his friends are governmenting without him. He misses the circus.
In the United States, we’ve been primed to believe that wealth comes from hard work and intelligence. Since Trump is wealthy, this line of thought goes, he must be pretty smart. And, he’s saying the things his supporters “are all thinkings”. Isn’t that what we kept being told during the campaign? “He says what I’m…
I bet Joe had something to do with this. He probably just unscrewed all the bulbs so none of the switches appear to work.
So I’m surrounded at work by Trump supporters. They seem to be doubling down on their support, despite the numerous questionable moves.
This entire article was terrifying, but I’m not gonna lie: it felt GREAT to know what all the protests and marches and lawsuits have really gotten under his thin, evil skin.
“Aides confer in the dark because they cannot figure out how to operate the light switches in the cabinet room.”
I am hoping that before they left, the Obama’s installed in the White House three animatronic ghosts programmed to visit Trump on Christmas Eve.
Basically, a Jean-Ralphio who is in charged of our nuclear codes.
Every word of that article is straight up amazing. Donald Trump is trapped in a Being There remake of his own making.
They’re all in agreement with him. America is as bad as Russia, and that’s that. Had Obama said it, they’d have destroyed him, but since it’s Trump it cannot be denied.