
Why give her her job back? you want to keep it out of the media, just fire her 100%... pay out her benefits package and wipe your hands of that bigot. surely, it cannot be that difficult to find a replacement

I read that as Count Chocula first and realized, “Shit, he’s probably looked into him, too.”

Adds the Washington Times, Giuliani, previously a Trump favorite, “had fallen out of favor with the president-elect in recent weeks.”

I think I’d act like I was going to shake his hand and then do the “pull away at the last second and run hand through hair” while saying something about not shaking hands with nazis.

The only reason I’d ever want to meet him would be to try to get in a knee to his junk before the secret service tackled me.

Can you imagine Donald trying to comfort the families of soldiers who have been killed overseas? “I like people who weren’t killed. Losers!”

What’s the Over/Under on how long it will take for Trump to attack Professor Clark on Twitter?

the greatest trick the billionaire ever pulled was convincing the hundredaire he actually cared.

It’s almost like Trump doesn’t give a flying fuck about the common man.

They are the ones writing laws to stop it. In Michigan there is a law to put people in jail and fine them for protesting, and preventing business from operating. It is completely nonsense and based from a group protesting someone in my town.

Any Jezzies planning on going? There is a charter bus going from my city. It’s like $140 which isn’t much but still a bit of a stretch me but I’m considering it.

How much you want to bet that the things he did request briefings for were “aliens” and “Gina”?

I mean Dubya* relied on Cheney to run everything, and that worked out great for everyone.

To be fair, he has the attention span (as well as the hands) of an overstimulated toddler. It probably takes him six days to wrap his mind around what is supposed to be one daily brief.

Then you need to venture outside of Fort Mill or Charleston. I’m in Columbia and have heard more than one lunchtime conversation that consisted of “well, can you really blame him...” or “some of what he says makes sense....”. I’m not saying people are shouting in the streets, but lets not act like SC suddenly grew a

Because expecting no even demanding that black people forgive , be the bigger person , tum the other cheek is on of the biggest tools of oppression and white supremacy. Note like clockwork when a cop/racial vigilante kills a black person there is always some reporter shoving a mike in their loved ones face bleating

let me guess, you’d also never be raped because you’d never allow yourself to be a victim, right?

It was interesting that the defense lawyers said something like the jury should keep in mind what made Roof hate black people. Like not only did some black people do something bad to Roof, but obviously therefore all black people are to blame for it. Way to monolithize AND victim-blame all in one jury direction. :(

Shut the fuck up.

Tom Cruise will not be joining his daughter (whom he hasn’t seen in three years) for Christmas