
My new life goal is to be a Candy Snatcher.

That revenge porn trend is getting out of hand.

I too am a nasty woman, Ms. Jackson. ;)

They really, truly don’t care. They got what they want and that is the only thing that matters. There are people claiming that the shit going down in the whiner’s white house is the result of Obama and his evil shadow government. Yeah, you read that right everything is STILL OBAMA’S FAULT!!!

Classic Misdirection.

You could make porn for people with a very very specific and confusing fetish!!

“Hey guys look, look, look, I can drink milk!!!! And I won’t get the shits later!!!! Not everyone can do that!!!!! I’m white too, so you know what this means? I can use this as proof that I’m superior!!!! I can FINALLY be proud of myself despite my lack of any meaningful accomplishments!!! By this time next year, I

Her forehead, she always wanted to be a penicorn.

OMG yes Rinko Kikuchi would have kicked so much ass as Major Motoko!!!!

“Oh yeah? well if you’re so smart YOU TURN ON THE LIGHTS!!”

Why do people think the conservative party is trying to demonize education? Because it can make a HUGE difference when it comes to things like bigotry!! This sentence is very smart and I hope we see this more and more!

One of the many reasons we don’t piss off Princess Powerful.

It always amazes me when cons say liberals look at the world primarily through racial perspective. I don’t recall any liberals throwing racist tantrums about the color of President Obama’s skin, we weren’t the ones trying to claim he wasn’t a us citizen and we sure as fuck weren’t picketing the white house with signs

Can your Grandma’s church create a virus that infects others with their brand of awesome?

He didn’t actually complement her there...I wonder what’s up with the passive aggression. Is he too racist to complement a black woman, even if he calls her a friend?

A whiny fourth grader at that.

And we didn’t see trump do it either, it was another whine session.

Notice what he says about the bust, how it’s a favorite and they have good ones! Like it’s miraculous that Dr. King’s bust manages to be liked despite being surrounded by busts of super cool whites!!