
Lets be honest, all cosplay can be improved by the inclusion of nudie mags.

If it’s not one of the abrahamic faiths, it’s satanism apparently. And they are completely serious, to the point of having genuine moral dilemmas about doing yoga.

For a second I thought you wrote “martinis” I was having some mixed feelings about it. I like me a good martini.

What is your problem? What did Leto II ever do to you?

Watch the movie High Spirits, it will give you a pretty good idea of how babby ghosts are formed. ;)

Everytime I read a story like this I think about the fact that we are taught to see instincts as bad and animalisitic and relying solely on intellect as being more advanced and therefore better. It really isn’t though.

The smug realization that by supporting Donald Trump, conservative christians are taking a giant dump on their own moral code, their values and the supposedly deeply held religious beliefs that allegedly make them better than me.

I have to take a little sanity break every time I read it.

I used to wonder around the house with an empty drinking glass and a jug of water in my sleep. Sometimes I would go to my mom for help and end up pouring ice cold water on her while she was sleeping, but I never skittered. Excuse me while I go remind her of that.

Whatever we may think about the quality of the poem, she did put a lot of effort into it, that’s pretty sweet. That said, I too would love a poem about a woman falling in love with another woman who had gone through the procedure I described. An epic one with a lot of adventure and suspense.

A mad Scientist replaced her blood with sea water and her heart with a nautilus shell.

As long as they aren’t doing it on a random stranger and trying not to leave a puddle where someone else or their kid might step in it. Be a grown up about peeing in public and it’s all good as far as I’m concerned.

My eyeballs are allergic to penises, don’t be insensitive.

Periods are so random, one month you bleed from one orifice, the next you’re bleeding from a completely different wherever.


Blue Fairy+cocaine+puppet from Team America World Police=David Duke

I’m starring this comment, but I’m crying while I do it. Ugh.

Republicans remember the lynching of Emmet Till in the only way they know how. By praising the guy who killed him and got away with it.