Mel aka kayakgrrl

Especially if the show is on the cusp of cancellation each year. I mean, we got super lucky that the CW went ahead and renewed for Season 3 before Season 2 finished. It’s a critics darling, but apparently us diehard fans are the only ones watching. Hopefully amazing number of viewings on Netflix convinces the CW to

Exactly! I’ve looked at a number of different articles, and they all say it was a contract issue. This is just something that is mentioned in the Jezebel comments from time to time (like I’m doing now, continuing to spread the rumor).

I’ve seen in some comments on Jez some references to Santino Fantana not liking that Josh was the main lead and not Greg. But everywhere else I read says that he was only contracted for 1 season, which worked out to the 18 shows he did, and then wanted to stay in New York.


I said in another comment that this individual had an impressive number of partners (although we have no idea how many were new partners). Tried to keep it clinical and nonjudgmental.

YES!!!! MORE CRAZY EX GIRLFRIEND!!!! I’m bingeing season 2 now, although I shelled out money to Amazon Video after I finished the first season last month and could not wait for more episodes!

Now it doesn’t specify whether or not these were new or repeat partners, but 2-5 partners a day is impressive. (That’s sex positive and medically neutral, right?) But I think one of the reasons the report uses MEDIAN values instead of arithmetic mean is because there were probably a handful of days where the number of

I’m thinking it might be too late to rent out a busy rink for a private event. Probably next year it will take place at a non-Trump rink.





It’s the medical statistics reporting style, which is not layperson friendly. So it is technically worded correctly (which we all know is the best kind of correct). This is my wheelhouse (where I know you’re a legal eagle).

Social scientist here! It’s phrased a little awkwardly, but the sentence refers to an average of the number of different sexual partners each day in the reported months. So he was having anal sex with around 2-5 different partners every day during the reported months. (ETA: This is in support of the total number of

So because I watched a few episodes of ‘Girlfriend’s Guide to Divorce’ on Netflix and am completely speculating, but I wonder if the delay was because the date of separation kept changing? *eyebrows waggle*

ESPECIALLY in this case!

“I’m not a bad person...I do get good ratings”

Oh, the bullies know exactly what they’re doing. They just don’t give a damn over how their actions impact anyone else.

I agree. Trump < Pence < Ryan

The Mel Brooks bit reminded me of a conversation from last night. My book club read The Princess Bride and we were discussing it last night. Everyone else was very annoyed by William Goldman’s writing style, but he’s of the same school as Mel Brooks. I, on the other hand, absolutely loved the writing style and got a