
Good to know that LA traffic is still shit no matter what happens.

“No your pets don’t need eclipse glasses, they are too smart to look at the Sun.” Says it all. 

Ugh, I can’t even. I was just talking on Facebook last night about all this. The Trumpkins could not be reasoned with. One lady was like “No one cared about these monuments and statues for the past 150 years.” When I told people how most of this was all created during the Jim Crow era, I was ignored.

The confederacy is treason, responsible for the most destructive war in American history. We got off relatively easy in the World Wars. The confederacy is emblematic of the enslavement and oppression of millions of human beings over hundreds of years. This is not open for debate and negotiation is not possible. No

How did this comment from 2005 get here?

I don’t know if I trust their numbers. There’s a built in incentive for D1 programs to cry poverty and it’s easy to make it appear as such.

I dunno if replacing it with “black people” would make his absurdity instantly apparent -- I’ve run into a disturbing number of people lately who still wouldn’t see the problem.

this is an incredibly disturbing story. The amount of people that support this guy’s sexist view online is utterly shocking.

I also like how women are just more oriented towards people skills, which is why they aren’t qualified for the obviously no people skills required roles of “leaders.”

Funny how women are dismissed as emotional but not every man who yells when he’s angry. Or dudes that love sports who yell at the TV or cheer.

I think the suggestion that women are more emotional and can’t handle high stress jobs is sort of rich coming from a person that wrote a 10-PAGE MANIFESTO about HR.

I remember speaking to a greek friend about why it took so long for women to get the vote in greece. He said that it was blocked at first based on the idea that people should only vote based on rational thinking and that women, seeing as how they menstruate, have several days a month where they would be unable to

Idk about you, but I’m not about to go retrieve my buddy’s dead body, I don’t care who he is.

I think the best part is how his buddies just stand there looking at his motionless body as floats in the water.

He should have Czekaj’d himself before he Wzekaj’d himself.

Should have been the other Baylor.

One point being, we should be able to discuss this without instantly shaming/closing off the opposing viewpoint.

I don’t think this person understands what TL;DR means. My eyes were glazing over for most of the post.