
Yeah, and it’s telling that the hardcore fans HATE that kid. Like all Jedi have to be some sort of badass galactic samurai.

I really thought ending the film on that kid was a great decision. Just ending on a regular kid with a shitty life, and he dreams of something “out there” being better than where he’s at right now. The Jedi are dead. Long live the Jedi.

Is Rey the chosen one? Nah, fuck that. She’s just the child of space Whitney and Bobby who is a self made hero.

Finally caught it yesterday with the little one, and we absolutely loved how they kept subverting the audiences expectations and throwing us for a loop.

My first thought when the world phased back that last time was that the planet would be completely destroyed by war and they cannot contact Issac. What happened? Is Isaac still “alive”? Did Kellyites start a holy war to maintain their power? Did Isaac somehow become the figurehead of a new “cult of science” that went

You have angered the Picard and we all may suffer for it

To be fair, the religious right in the Middle East isn’t exactly giving religion a good name either.

Well, given the behavior of the US Religious Right, can you blame Seth Macfarlane for imaging a “better future” With No Religion, Too...?

@Nick Wanserski - I’m not sure if that’s a problem, or Macfarlane’s point with this series. It often bothers me that there’s no way his Ed Mercer works as a Commanding Officer, but tonight’s review got me thinking, “Wait... What if that’s how it’s supposed to be, because this entire crew, while competent enough, is

Yeah, my biggest hang up with the show remains that it goes about a half-level deep with any of the concepts it broaches. It make sure the crew seem like a particularly earnest group of high-schoolers. I keep on expecting them to build on whatever basic premise they introduce, but they just don’t. The end result is

Has Kelly never heard the phrase, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”? Has she never cracked open a history book? I mean, it was painfully obvious that her attempts to fix her mistake would be a resounding failure, and she has thousands of years of human history to demonstrate why.


I wonder if the episode that got cut from the season was supposed to be the actual finale because this did not feel like a finale at all.

I mean, you’re still gonna die. Happy Tuesday!

Remember when the Internet was evolving in the 90s and everyone said you should never give a website your real information let alone your real payment information? I don’t think Bezos is worth $100 billion because we are giving Amazon fake addresses and credit cards every time we make a purchase.

Final stats. Zero games. One steal.

Ya, my first thought when I heard how it happened was ‘dude, you’ve got a wife and kids. What the fuck are you doing piloting a weird little plane around man?’ But until this moment, I’d only thought that, not said it out loud or gone on a tirade broadcast to thousands of people.

If that’s the take you want to take, that someone shouldn’t be a thrill-seeker (I guess?), that’s fine. All I’m saying is, maybe wait until the guy has been cold and in the ground for a while before you start throwing that shit around. Otherwise, you’re kind of a fucking ghoul.

Wait, isn’t this the moron who’s always shitting on people for taking paternity leave? What an opportune moment to publicly remind people to care more about their families.

The boy who has everything could really use a toothbrush holder.