
There was no lack of clues about whether or not Cormier had suffered a severe concussion.

If a UFC fighter, or anyone for that matter, is crying after a bunch of blows to the head, it should probably be taken as a sign of a severe concussion. See Luke Kuechly.

How big of a dick do you have to be for your wife to file for divorce while she is 9-months pregnant?

Can this man be any more of a cliche Wall Street guy? This is so disgusting yet humorous in its obviousness. Take all his money, Deidre.

If you can’t be bothered to pop by the NICU when your premature baby arrives maybe don’t be at a rally with thousands of other little boys? I’d move on and tell MY son his dad was a sperm donor.

FUCK YOOOUUUUUUUU Adidas for allowing this shit.

Weird that an Adidas product would fall apart so quickly.

He didn’t want to appear celebratory, and the vote hadn’t closed at that point, and Senators can change their vote before it closes. So also cautionary.

Because John McCain expressing a modicum of human decency is not applause-worthy after other representatives have rejected this malicious, POS bill from the beginning?

are against public health care

I think it’s incorrect to say that left leaning Americans and Democrats are against public healthcare. They all voted last night to preserve a large expansion in public healthcare. Medicaid and Medicare are incredibly popular programs among all Americans, especially so among Democrats.

Every left leaning friend and family member of mine wants single payer. It’s the politicians. I’m not sure if it’s corporate interest/insurance companies, taxes, or fear of being defeated by anti-tax conservatives. It’s maddening. Will you let me be Canadian?

Also Canadian. When I heard one of the GOP congressman go on about why prenatal care was included in ACA plans, because he doesn’t need it, I just thought “who are these selfish creeps who hate their moms that much?” And for the record, he needed prenatal care at least once.

decades of propaganda and an increasing lack of education.

It’s because conservatives have been so effective in convincing Americans than public health care is for Communists.

A question from a Canadian. From most things I hear, even American’s who identify as Democrats, or left leaning in their politics are against public health care. Why? Is it taxes? Because I mean shit, if you’re paying like a grand a month in insurance premiums I can assure you your taxes wouldn’t be that high. It just

Nah, it’s fun watching the American public realise more and more what a worthless, vile, hate-filled, deluded man he is. Putting him behind a veil of PR spin would mean that people would think he wasn’t as bad and it wouldn’t be until long after his presidency that people would realise how much harm he did.

Take out all the boots and you’ll end up with a negative number of users.

I use twitter for one thing and one thing only. Bitching at companies that do shitty stuff. Nothing else. I don’t read anybody else’s tweets on twitter, I don’t do shit all on there.

I feel like a broken record at this point, but I keep telling people: social media is what you make of it. Follow intelligent, thoughtful, mature people/accounts and it’ll be a rewarding experience (like keeping up with my favorite musicians releasing new music, for example).

Follow our President and/or anyone tweeting