Dude. I didn’t even think about that. Like, shit like this actually could be more of a slap in the face if you did have fucking breast cancer. Not only not helping anyone, but also, HEY LOOK YOU DON’T HAVE THIS ANYMORE HAHA.
Dude. I didn’t even think about that. Like, shit like this actually could be more of a slap in the face if you did have fucking breast cancer. Not only not helping anyone, but also, HEY LOOK YOU DON’T HAVE THIS ANYMORE HAHA.
This is stupid. Luna Pads already exist. Only you can change them and still keep your underwear on.
Water taxi? That is a magical idea.
Actually yes. SI ferry FTW. As long as you immediately get back on the ferry and turn around and go back to Manhattan for god’s sake, because SI is a wasteland.
To be fair though, the review of the Statue of Liberty is basically what I would tell my friends that came to visit in New York. “Do you want to spend 6 hours in line? No? Then go to Battery Park. Take some pictures of the Statue of Liberty. Done. Now move on and do something else more fun with your day.”
I am all for the idea of either not doing a bouquet toss or doing a non-traditional one. The last time I went to a wedding that had one, I was kind of forced onto the floor. So when the bride threw it in the air, me and this girl I sort of knew in high school (at the same time, without speaking) turned around and…
Clearly I’m from Seattle, because my first guess was that the baby is Earl Thomas.
Prince Royce en espanol, I’m all siiiiiiiiiii.
NOT to a fairly small island, because then the locals talk, and if you fuck too many of them, word gets around and they get mad and you might have to leave the island on the first boat out one morning without saying goodbye to all the friends you have made.
Hi. Former teacher here. Fit the stereotype of the “nice white lady”. I’ve only ever taught minority students in NYC. I was recruited by TFA, and let me say, even though they try reeeeeallllly hard, their “diversity” training was (and I’m guessing is) pretty terrible. A teacher at my first school (black man) actually…
There are several states that I feel have very little contribution to anything and are never in the news and thus I routinely forget they even exist. Both the Dakotas fall into that category.
Completely off topic but I will talk about it with you! Um, I never noticed in high school. I was mostly into scrawny, pale white “punk rock” boys with tattoos and dyed hair. Then one day I was maybe 26, had seen a little more of the world, and then those commercials came out with him, I think for razors? And I just…
So I'm from Seattle, land of not-ridiculously-low minimum wage. I guess I live in a bubble because for the longest time, I did not know that tipped minimum wage existed. Like, I worked at movie theaters as a teenager making $9/hour, and I was always trying to find serving/bartending/barista jobs, because then I got to…
I have to say, as much as I am still loving and participating in this, this Jezebel March Madness definitely makes the least amount of sense. But who needs cohesion anyway. If you need me, I'll be at a bar, making out, and watching a drunk girl yell at her boyfriend.
"Aidan's and Noah's deaths were so supremely bloody and horrific that I wonder if the crew has, like, tons of extra blood laying around that they need to use."
I mean, then there's the fact that one of their most regularly-sung national songs (for pledges or something, I don't remember) includes lots of lines about getting girls wasted on whiskey, and then in 9 months there will be "a bouncing baby SAE." When I asked my friend about it, his response was, "We're a very…
I had a really boring couple of months where I would stay at home and watch a lot of TV with my cat, Professor Emeritus Moon Waffles III, Esquire. He would always sit on my lap and I was convinced he was into "The L Word" or "Gilmore Girls" or whatever I was catching up on at the time. It wasn't too bad except for how…
An all male movie about 4 guys trying to get laid? You mean, every movie or TV show ever about guys getting laid? SatC, and Girls, in all of their occasional shittiness, is literally ALL WE HAVE.
I have ALWAYS WONDERED if this was possible.