
Ah yes, the universally despised Glitter-equivalent flop.........Unbreakable. 

The best thing about December - arguably the only good thing about December - are all of the ‘best of’ and ‘worst of’ articles. I genuinely enjoy them. I grew up on Siskel & Ebert’s best/worst films of the year programs.

If anyone is looking for an early in what is to be a month-long endeavor of “Best of Lists”

The monster in Antoni Psycho is an overripe avocado

Your voting experience simulator training is complete.

I Know This Much Is True

Knocking on Oculus? You just lost a reader, AV Club.

Drew: I have no recollection of conducting any interview with your magazine.

Is he serious about “the algorithm”? Because Netlfix productions have the worst pacing of any big content producer I’ve ever seen. The episodes are too long and there are too many of them, everytime.

For me there’s a distinction between “this show is bad because it didn’t do what I wanted it to do” and “this show struggles dramatically because it fails to understand its strongest storyline and chose instead to focus on a new set of characters that failed to justify their decision-making in story focus.”

Those are all celebrities. The people I’m talking about aren’t. And I don’t think either Eastwood or (especially) Zhao made that decision to save money.