Now it’s an article about body positivity. The power of the comma! (And why I hate thay so many people misuse them nowadays to turn their sentences into corny-newsreader-speak.)
Now it’s an article about body positivity. The power of the comma! (And why I hate thay so many people misuse them nowadays to turn their sentences into corny-newsreader-speak.)
Yeah, that’s 100% Allison’s fault.
If you want to seriously up your food safety game, the NYC Food Handler’s License (mandatory for kitchen managers here, a ServSafe/etc is not acceptable) online course is available for free. You have to pay $24 and take an exam to get the actual card, but all the learnin’ stuff is no cost.
UNNNGH, fucking kinja! I tried to edit that thing like five times. Here’s the link. Sorry.
see what
I live in Europe, and first heard of this company when scrolling through the clearance items of an American grocery store online. I was pretty horrified to see this. Which, instead of the urine flavor I’ve always compared his cotton candy hair to, is salted caramel. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think she’s really that good. The other bakers, especially Rosie, think they need to do the most ridiculously extravagant and overcomplicated bakes to survive. Steph is doing good flavors, spot on technique, and nailing it every single time. THAT is what the show used to be about.
Even though I don’t much care for football, I do care for football snacks. During the rest of the week, a snack is a…