
I am shocked not to have seen anyone justifying not tipping on children’s meals yet - that terrible assumption seems to run rampant with the type who demonstrate Pinkham’s law.

You’re totally right! My mistake :/

It’s not simply that she feels trapped, I am almost certain they have a covenant marriage.… Covenant marriages are the result of religious conservative efforts to “protect” heterosexual christian marriages and are completely terrifying.

She’s pregnant now...

I’m almost certain there are also legal barriers to her leaving. Arkansas has covenant marriages, which both of Josh’s married sisters/victims have recently entered into. Divorces can only be granted after significant hours spent in marriage counseling - likely by the church.

Can we now talk about how they have covenant marriage under Arkansas law (like Josh’s two married sisters/victims) which does not allow either spouse to be granted a divorce until after a significant number of counseling hours, which is often religiously based?