
It must be nice up there on your pedestal of morality and rightness. Except that your opinion isn’t some sort of word from God as you seem to think. Maybe it’s okay for adults to disagree on subjects? Maybe it’s good to have discussions and it’s not always a good idea to decide you’re at the top of some pretend moral

So a creator is not allowed to portray women in a way that can be interpreted by some as objectification? If someone has a vision for a character and the way they might dress and act, we are supposed to only ever interpret that as objectification? I don’t think creators should ever be hamstrung by people who think all

So men are not allowed to try to give their characters agency? They aren’t allowed to portray women in a way that may be interpreted as sexualized? Why is that? Why should we demand that creators only create what we decide they can?

This is such an overreaction and honestly you’re the one being a bit regressive here. I love you as a person Jason, but the idea that you need to be some sort of moral authority on what female characters wear is a bit off to me. Would you walk up to a woman wearing those clothes and tell her that she’s hideously