Firefly Season 2

The silver lining here is that this realization can and should be freeing—as any compulsion to compromise, to “reach across the aisle,” to build a bridge, to extend an olive branch, or to find common ground should be set ablaze and stuffed into a cashew-shaped canoe.

Before I even read about this woman I knew she had sons and no daughters. I have a few friends who have only sons and they are always bad-mouthing girls for tempting their poor innocent boys. It makes me furious. These are women who raise their sons with no sense of accountability.

“a concerned Catholic mother” [AUTOMATICALLY SETS PHASERS TO “IGNORE”]

The police cameras are the malfunctioningest ass electronics to hit the market since the Soulja Phone. That shit don’t never work right. What are the odds?

I’ve gone back and read sexy or lovely dovey texts that I’ve written to an ex and I sounded like such an idiot.

Party out of Skins?!?

I wish that my three children didn’t require surgical intervention to enter the world. The havoc those C sections have wreaked on my back and abs can’t be overstated.

Club Girth has EVERYTHING.

I love how uncomfortable people alleviate their discomfort by following the thing that is making them uncomfortable all the way to the elevator, get in the elevator with it and follow it to its apartment door. Whew, what a stress buster!

The only thing I can think that would save this is if it was revisionist history like Inglorious Basterds.

If you do this on a White iPhone, it also posts bail and changes your current Facebook profile photo to your First Communion photo.

As a beta male, married to a kick ass Wiccan woman, let me just say there are tons of us who are fucking HORRIFIED by all of this. My Grandpa taught me the rule of no when I was 14. He lived to 92, and I never saw him disrespect ANY woman, and I try to emulate him best I can. I was molested by my fifth grade teacher,

THOSE FUCKING BOWS. So much first grade drama over the girls who have the JoJo bows and the girls (Kid Electron included) who don’t have the JoJo bows. 

At first you think, “these maternity clothes are a scam! Why would a pay for clothes I’m only going to wear a few months anyway?

Agreed. The skirt is too tight in the waist and the flare doesn’t bit where it should. Also her boobs don’t look properly supported or something and I think that’s messing with the silhouette. 

The pink of her top goes with the pink flowers that are on her skirt. I like the outfit, but it’s not for gardening.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the truth is that he raped this lady and she stayed silent to keep her job.

“I am not pursuing criminal charges against an 11-year-year-old who committed a low-level misdemeanor who was Tased in the back. We are done with it. The city can deal with the officer administratively,” Prosecutor Deters confirmd”

While I’m a little iffy on shooting a public masturbater, (that’s a lot of people in SF, or Florida to shoot...) when he started trying to mess with her door it went from “I don’t need to see that shit” to “breaking and entering, attempted rape” for me.

Digital photography came along not long after I finished college.  Thank fucking god.