Melania Trump's Hemorrhoid

Water closet.

It was makeup. In certain lighting it was really obvious.

Not just you. The whole commentariat is becoming unhinged. Im getting a ton of greys calling me all sorts of names. The paid trolls are really here.

The contour


I will take these photos any day over his look in the OJ miniseries as Bob Shapiro.

such as:

oh stahp!!

They just replied to me about my post history. I didn’t read it because I dismissed their comment. This is not fruitful conversation. That person is a troll.

Dismissed! *goes back to polishing nails*

Good for her. Her Formation world tour was intense and I honestly was so surprised when she announced her pregnancy because I thought she was still touring!

I am about to come through the goddamn screen. This mofo is seriously suggesting I thank white women for fighting the good fight.

Why can’t I star this more?

Well, must be nice.

So at a meeting the other week, an older white woman told me that the Woman’s March was the first time she ever participated in a political event. I just blankly “Must be nice.”

FYI I love this entire thread, good Root people and good Kinja

My favorite strong, opinionated woman is my mom (DUH). She never backs down, isn’t afraid of speaking up or out and gave birth to an upstart (ME!). The biggest compliment I have ever received was that I was my mother’s daughter. Hell yeah!