
Which only makes all those idiots wildly cheering at whatever dreary garbage being thrown up in whatever cynical presentation rammed full of suits desperately trying act like they are in touch with their target audience all the more annoying when you realize a big chunk of them are journalists.

Let's make our own expo, with blackjack and hookers

Ok calm down there fox news.

I think I know where he contracted HIV

Ford Mustang: The Florida of cars.

So same thing as HIV then.

Not sure who patient zero is in this case.

HIV is no longer the death sentence it was in the 80s. However Mustang ownership is still as dangerous for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other drivers.

I was going to give a reasoned response. I changed my mind. Fuck off dude. Seriously. Don’t go around belittling how other people feel because they are worried about their kids. It makes you look like an asshole.

You forgot this