I’ll bet his review of the Bible was just devastating.
I’ll bet his review of the Bible was just devastating.
On a run: the smallest sliver of football must touch the invisible world-spanning plane for it to be a touchdown.
Just to be clear; we’re all gonna call the numbers and congratulate them right?
Classic Dave.
Again, how does this make her “the most corrupt politician to ever run for public office”? Your post is not unique to Clinton, but rather the by-products of capitalism. We should be arguing about that, not how Trump takes advantage of migrant workers when building his casinos or how Ivanka sources all of her products…
The quotations around “woman” speak volumes here.
Welp, now the GOP is consolidating their power, and trying to pass the Reigns Act (undermining executive power), trying to rid itself of oversight, and obviously holding the majority in 2020 for another round of redistricting (RSLC’s REDMAP, Phase 1 completed in 2010) ensuring elected officials stay in office, despite…
There are some legitimate grievances to have with Donald trump. Him being a sexist racist homophobe is not one of them.
I was more surprised when she said that Hillary wanted to run America under Sharia law. I might have fainted trying not to make a, “WTF?” face.
My family moved from Canada because of the horrors of socialism. Over half of my Father’s income went to the federal government. Hillary wanted to expand socialistic policies, that terrified me.
I have said for years that GWB will be remembered in a much fonder light the further out we get from his presidency. Now, if you had told me it would be because Donald Trump would get elected president, I’d have said no fucking way.
“Mandating that Christians have to pay for someone else’s abortion”
First of all, at the time I had unemployed for over a year and no longer counted on the unemployment statistic. The under 5% quite frankly did little to give me a great feeling of the economy. Let’s face it, if things are going great in your life then statics that prove mean far more then when you see major…
“If my sister (or any woman that I respected) was in a marriage like that I would be beside myself. What goes on in peoples private lives is their own business, but how anyone could respect that “woman” is beyond me.”
Your “Political Correctness” is my politeness. Don’t hide behind your “PC Bullshit” shield. I was taught to be polite, I was taught to think about how others felt before I said something. Apparently none of these people had the same type of upbringing, and for that reason i feel truly sorry for them.
Looks to me that uneducated, ignorant, xenophobic, hypocritical Christians are the biggest issue in what’s left of this country.
Clinton tries to ally herself with the “common folk,” but she comes of as pandering and fake. Trump does it too, but at least he seems real, especially when he is eating KFC.
..with gold cutlery on his private jet. A man of the people!
Fuck the “To Harm the Republicans” guy so hard.
This whole post is [sic].