Damn, why so much snark? So salty...
Damn, why so much snark? So salty...
Addidas actually
Cute, you pulled out the thesaurus for this response didn’t you. I bet you pasted this on google to make sure it auto corrected the words.
*Not all guys* - obligatory...ok Im going to run away now, please don’t kill me.
Resale values say otherwise...
TBH I forgot about all the 3D shortcuts already and it hasn’t hurt my experience with the phone. I’m going to count this as a gimmick apple added to sell iPhones.
So Adele wins everything then? I am ok with this.
Triggered much? Lol
Lol, really? I mean, yeah the Chainsmoker’s song wasn’t the best but it’s infinitely better than this song. I get a feeling you are trying to make this into some sort of race talk but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.
But hat humblebrag though ;)
Lol, no thanks. If you can’t focus enough to work from home and have to play dress up working from home is not for you.
What he said.
What he said.
Well then I don’t understand why mentioned it as a con for iCloud then? You were clearly singling out iCloud so...
No it’s not that, it’s just a bad song.
While I don’t doubt racism is alive and well I would be willing to say that you’re totally fabricating your point about The majority of white people are for blue/all lives matter. You can’t just dismiss anecdotal evidence without you providing concrete proof other than YOUR anecdotal evidence.
Bro that’s kinda nasty, not sure why she won’t let you shower. Did she explain why?
Not all dogs though. Mine is repulsed by poop even her own. Anytime she sees one (even her own) she throws dirt on it. She’s that disgusted by it.
They are ugly, and at $70 a pop yeah no thanks.
They are ugly, and at $70 a pop yeah no thanks.
Gotcha, yeah they do seem to prioritize discovery on the app. I guess since I like that feature it isn’t a problem for me but I can see how that would be an inconvenience.
Uh? Even if you use their music service you have to use the exact same. How did you arrive at that conclusion?