
What’s melodramatic is people trying to turn what was a bad and creepy date that went south that he deeply regrets into where he physically attacked, assaulted, and raped her, as an excuse to burn him at the stake. The fact that she did not go to the police and press charges against him is an indicator of how it

I give this exchange on the internet an A, because neither of you immediately devolved into epithets.

A reminder Alone Together is a really good show and everyone here should be watching it. Esther Povitsky is wonderful in it. 

“Meanwhile, The Daily Star’s story continues to be up on the paper’s site; the organization has been sued for (and settled over) libel charges a number of times over the years, but it’s still baffling that they thought they could get away with allegedly straight-up inventing an interview with one of Earth’s most

“God this ship is gross.”

I remember the pearl clutching fit the TNG crew had over Barclays harmless Restoration era fantasies. Finally a Holodeck scenario that's believable next to Our Man Bashir....

Say what you will about ep.8, but that purple hair is a good look for her

Guess he’s not for everybody. One of my other faves is In The Mouth Of Madness.

well, I liked Event Horizon.

I guess McKean is done walking to Edmonton to give $85 to a snail charity.

Friendly reminder that Viggo Mortensen is 60 years old and that he had to gain 50 pounds to look like a schlubby 40-year old in a movie.

The celebration footage was the best thing about this two episode set.

I really hope your mayor concludes such business deals by saying, “For I am the mayor of Albuquerque!”

Professors of Moral Philosophy must have a lot of free time to work out.


Obviously our mileage is varying here, but yeah, I’d say Green’s All the Real Girls, George Washington, Undertow, Pineapple Express, Snow Angels, Joe, Prince Avalanche, and Stronger probably beat Zombie’s one terrible movie and one pretty good one.

He goes by many names: Gary...Captain...that’s it, I guess.

I’m so happy this got picked up for a second season. I loved this. Everything about it was delightful. Exceptional cast full of people I’ve been a fan of for a long time but who are usually in much smaller roles. Especially Linda Emond and Brent Jennings. I liked Sonya Cassidy on Humans, and she was phenomenal here

The shot of that dollhouse floor will haunt me for a long time to come.

We didn’t really get a conclusion on him but I very much hope John Keene went on to find some comfort in life.