
So much this. It's really boring by now.

I never actually watched this, but I really liked the miniseries. I felt translated the books quite well.

It's so specieist. Why do they have to associate bats with crazyness? Tumblr needs to get on the issue.

Go on… *unzips*

I hope he takes A.J. Gibbs wherever he goes. She's great.

Of course. I still remember how I failed to save JC's bro Paul at the MIB raid in my first playthrough, thinking his 'sacrifice' was an unavoidable scripted event. Then I found out it wasn't. Which blew my freaking mind. Then I got sad.

Really, I thought I wasn't remembering that Adam had a brother or something. Made me Google it, dammit.

Mr. Rasche is one of the funniest actors I've ever watched. I can proudly say I've based all my life on Sledge's way of living, from the ridiculous humor up to the deep loneliness. Hammers' reruns were my bread and butter when I was 10-12 in the early 90's. Still have some of the VHS taped from the TV, even.

You almost made me choke on my coffee, you dirtbag!

I'm really considering this one because of him (and the "pulp-scifi-noir" angle has its merits, too…). The guy's great.

I've loved Andre since he was Dr. House's therapist. What a guy.

Haha I was thinking just that at that scene. The guy's great and he and Holt together are awesome.

Isn't it weird to name a movement "MGTOW"? I mean, the moment it becomes
a movement (therefore a collective) it's no longer one's way. But a
collection of 'ways' that are equal or very similar.

Really, it blew my fucking mind when i read about this. It's a 1994 anime, amazing how they literally predicted the future so accurately. Granted, this one doesn't feed off the emotions of a singer (*that we know of!*).

Man, these guys are awesome. I love all their records.

Jesus not this again. Guess it's time to go back to live in the woods for a couple of months.

I can't help myself and giggle like a moron whenever BC is on screen. Even if he's just standing there. God bless that man.

Yeah, I didn't undestand that one. Is it a figure of speech of some sort? I should hang out around humans more often…

Hey, it's evolution, baby!

Welp, I should have waited a little before sending those letters with the message "BRING BACK HOLT PIGFUCKERS" written in human blood. Live and learn, I guess.