
You sound like one those assholes who try to dismiss the Black Lives Matter movement by saying the police kills more Whites than Blacks, or the criminal justice system is not bias against Black people because more Whites than Blacks are incarcerated. Yep, that asshole.

Whoops, looks like somebody ungreyed the Trump trolls en masse. Stop feeding them and they’ll go back to being ignored on Facebook.

Lol. Tell me when a noose was the symbol of a racist revolution

Nothing like pairing a fine coffee with a ... taco? 

Swastikas are only racist if you combine them with tailored Hugo Boss uniforms.

I feel bad for all the other kids on that team who just realized their coach is a shithead but can’t pull off a transfer.

And I bet more white men rape white women than black men do but black men have become synonymous with raping white woman. We can all play a game of whataboutism.

Girl, shut the fuck up with that.

Mississippi is gonna Missisuck, y’all. It’s time to give it back to the Choctaw and clal it a day, folks.

I think you’d have to be tone deaf to call it racist.

It’s made even better considering how offended they all get so often especially if you criticize trump.

White folks need to quit it with the gaslighting saying someone didn’t intend it to be racist. We are on to your game. We are not stupid. We know exactly what it means and we are not going to sit there and let you get away with it.

Who TF let all these noose apologists on here?!

Yes, but that point is pretty tone deaf. This is Mississippi, where a noose is especially a very clear, very real, very present racist threat against black people. This is true of the US in general. When a racist threatens a black person do they put toy trucks with dolls tied to them on the doorsteps of houses, in the

Ask yourselves whomever believes that a noose portrayed anywhere (media, place, etc.) would exhibit absolutely no offensive overtones, “Am I a member of a group that lynching was thrust upon with regularity?”....then get back with us about how you feel.

I understand. I truly understand. Especially since this tweet came out of infamous Mississippi (racism and domestic violence). It’s just the photo of a woman knitting a noose for her husband (after being confined with him for weeks??) struck a personal note for me. After I kicked my cheating, abusive, alcoholic

Leach’s excuse is that it wasn’t racism, it was just domestic violence, that he was joking about? Okay, that is kinda a lateral move there, guy. Not sure I’d want to stay there in either case.

I posted above but will again here:

It’s Mississippi a state still full of racists, that still make lynching references regularly. Posted by anyone else yeah it probably would be a joke about a wife wanting to hang her husband.

I for one applaud the kid for transferring. He is a principled student. If the athlete was an award winning quarterback then the coach would be sent packing.