
Assuming that here are indeed eight episodes, we need to see Tran one more time, Ferguson one more time, Coach one more time, Winston's wedding, how Cece deals with pregnancy and maybe the first week with a baby, and maybe a Jess wedding. Plus, the show is half an hour. I think that's just enough.

And Jake Johnson has said 8 episodes recently.

The only good episode of this current season is the musical episode and even then, your enjoyment of it depends on how much you like corny musicals like me.

Personally, I liked all the seasons except be prepared for a kind of crappy season 5 and this season (season 6) I have not enjoyed except for the musical episode "Song in Your Heart".

I like the 90's feel of Once Upon A Time but that is even starting to wear on me. Me! To put it into context, I've been watching it since the first episode. This show has worn on me since last season.

I kinda get what you mean. Maybe if they did a thing like they get off on it… maybe it could work but it really comes across as loveless at this point.

I totally agree! Lord knows that I would watch another season but I'm not sure how good it would be.

I like the idea of the Captain Swan wedding. However, I agree for the show ending. This would be the perfect place to end it. Lastly season was slightly stale. This season has been really muddled and really stale. It's only going to get worse even if they "re-do" it.

I'm not sick of Big Bang Theory… yet. However, once a Amy and Sheldon wedding happens, it's time for it to end.