
We have that. The FTC, NTHSB, and the EPA. Those regulate the things that’ll kill or harm us. Everything else is fair game. Always has been.

Visually study the shockwave of impacts on the asteroid’s surface. Rubble piles will absorb the impact while solid rock will distribute it fairly evenly except along faults. Tadah, now you know whether the object is solid or not.

When global temperatures rise, it doesn’t necessarily correlate with a rise in temperature on Antarctica. In fact, a rise in temperature elsewhere could even decrease temperatures on Antarctica. Wind and weather patterns are incredibly complex, so saying “x tons of ice will melt by y date at z temperature” just

It’s because the hardware architecture for the Ps4 (and Xbox One for that matter) is very different from the previous generation. The older consoles were, well, consoles. The new consoles are basically regular ol’ computers with a cool box.