
I like Apple. I got fed up when the IBM Power Book loaned to me froze-to-death during a presentation at work. I think I got my first gray hair that day, in fact I'm pretty sure of it. This Mac Book Pro (that I'm working on) has been bumped around as much as I have (thrown even... Not by me... Haters gonna hate,) and

Extra mission (or missions in general) are boring: Get the 12 golden cat skulls, kill 6 rats. Zzzzz.

Oh ok.

Whenever I think about dogs that like to bite, this is what comes to mind! They don't have thumbs! Fear makes us stupid.

No prob'.

Are you thinking of this?

Dead Space being RE4.... (and there's nothing wrong with that)

You can't blame the content (it's always how you react to content), but the nature of staying in and playing games alone, in a dark room, would seem like something an degenerate introvert might do.

Maybe video games makes for bad-people. Or bad-people flock to video games, like to beer or drugs.

Wow. I guess this makes up for the Sarah Silverman thing. (edit:) Well that, and like, having a show and stuff.

I would love it if they added IM clients to Boxcar somehow, because Windows Live just doesn't notify me anymore. It's only asking me "if I got the memo."

You know what? That's probably the case.

I don't want to be a negative nelly but, seriously, we're still watching these? I'd like to see the pilots of these things one day. Maybe an interview or something....

That G*d-Damn Anne Hathaway was so Mother-f*cking cute! Now I wish I saw that movie with her and the Mother-f*cking Prince of Persia in it. G*d-Damn-it!

Thinking about Idris Elba: I didn't see it as an imbalance of award distribution, I saw it as you being in the filming industry's family. If you want more "we-folk" to get nominated, your job is to get more we folk and all shades into the industry, then you will see more. In the mean time, I enjoyed the good natured

Geeze, if you talk to most X-Box live players, you'd assume Rupert Murdoch were already in charge.

I love that dude's hair!

I wanted one too!

I saw it the night before, for the first time on iTunes rental. THAT. Was a Movie.