
You know he was acquitted right? They're still searching for the real lover.

F*cking A! I knew it!

I liked my play-yan and my pre-paid cel-phone.

@WildTangent01: Hmm... I guess, but then, "where's the 'sex' in that violence?"

Ah, burning hatred. Is there any other kind?

@uppitycracker: The Spirit? I'm sure she was dying on the inside, and not just because she's jewish.

I clicked, and BAM there she was. I nearly fainted. Warn me first, next time when you post super hot womenz on the front page.

@Pretty Penny Farthling: 3 iPods. Hmmm.... Just so you know, I'm the wallet inspector. I'm looking for suspicious mounds of cash, I need to bring them in... for uh... questioning.

@rodmanstreet, girl genius: I used to carry business cards, notes and (all-kinds of) papers in my wallet until my wallet quit. Thank the makers of digital stuffs for these devices.

Bonding with children builds better bonds. But who will bond with the Dad, to make him a productive member of society?

The advent of the smart phone killed the hoarder in me.

I love it! They gave HIm his Jack Kirby grill! I love a Marvel villain with a big toothy grin.

Well, if you're not gonna' take this seriously... :P

@BettyCrocker: If you want the last word you can have it.

@BettyCrocker: Hey, the real sociopaths are running free, and I wouldn't know coke from coca-cola. I'm not concern about society, it f*cks regular people every day.

@BettyCrocker: That's looks like a lot of work to me, and besides, society deemed Lindsay a hot mess right after Mean Girls.